Experiments on the First Selected Pretreatment Method of Bio-Wastes for the Albanian Conditions
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Published: 21 December 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
During our study we examined different resources of organic biomass in actual reality for Albania and we tried to find a suitable utilization process in the energy sector for heat (energy) production. Emphasis has been given to the agricultural and forestry wastes as well as animal organic wastes, aimed to proceed some tendency reaching a suitable status of a mixture prepared from these organic wastes, in order to get as much as possible biogas (Methane).
Different alternative methods of degradation or disintegration of waste such as: composting or burning does not resolve permanently the accumulation of waste, since that they themselves leave a certain residue. On the other hand we have performed different pretreatment methods for bio-wastes and their combinations, leading to an easier process for anaerobic bio digestion which may be engineering considered as a process in which operating a present number of organisms can produce a mixture of gases (Biogas composed of 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide) and a mixture of liquid which held a high value of mineral nutrient elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.
We have already studied also the possibility of bioethanol obtaining using organic residuals and some preliminary results have been reported in this paper.
Keywords: Bio-resources, agro wastes, biomass, bio-energy, biogas, bioethanol.

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How to Cite
I. Malollari, H. Manaj, S. Makolli, L. Liçi, Dh. Koraj, Xh. Cani. (2018-12-21). "Experiments on the First Selected Pretreatment Method of Bio-Wastes for the Albanian Conditions." *Volume 2*, 4, 36-40